Showing posts with label AuthenTec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AuthenTec. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 January 2012

New Fingerprint Security Solution for Apple Mac OS X

Apple products are known for their user friendliness, style and performance. Even with millions of users preferring Microsoft Windows Operating system to Apple Mac OS X Operating system, Mac OS X is becoming more popular each day and the Mac OS X users are also considerably increasing. Apple can’t hold back when their products and even their Operating system have a rapidly increasing demand. So they have to constantly update their devices and software to retain the favor of their consumers.

We can see a lot of apps and accessories coming for Apple devices. If you think that’s all Apple offers, you are wrong. Apple Mac OS X operating system is also known for the great security and protection it offers to the data stored in the system. Updates in security solutions are always welcomed by Mac users. So Apple Mac OS X is supposedly going to be more popular when a new security solution for it, gets released.

AuthenTec security solution for Apple

This time it is AuthenTec which has come to the aid of Apple to improve its security. AuthenTec, popular providers of network and mobile security, provides Apple with a Fingerprint Security Solution. AuthenTec Fingerprint Security for Apple obviously features a Fingerprint sensor from Eikon and an Identity management Software from TrueSuite. The Fingerprint security feature from AuthenTec is designed to be compatible with Apple’s desktop as well as laptop computers, running in either Apple Mac Lion OS X or Snow Leopard OS X operating systems.

Features of the TrueSuite in the AuthenTec Fingerprint Security Solution

·         Easy fingerprint setup
·         Fast User switching
·         Automatic updates
·        Launch and associate your favorite websites with different fingers using the QuickLaunch   feature
·        Just with a swipe of a finger, log on to a website, without the need to type passwords
·         Mac log-on

Windows PC users have a similar Fingerprint security system. But Tom Aebli, Vice President of Software and eCommerce, AuthenTec states that the Mac community is rapidly growing and it already called for a decent feature rich security system which gives a great user experience. Thus the Fingerprint Security system was made available for Mac Operating systems.

Already a number of laptops, tablets and handsets make use of this technology. Besides the Identity Management Suite and Fingerprint scanner, the AuthenTec Fingerprint security system also features security enhancing mobile and PC applications and online backup services from KeepVault as well. The Fingerprint reader and the matching TrueSuite software can be purchased from Apple or Amazon store.