Showing posts with label MAC OS X. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAC OS X. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Apple Releases Security Update for Mac OS X

Competing and dominating Microsoft Windows Operating system is no easy task. But it seemed pretty easy for Apple, as their Mac OS X operating systems are supposedly immaculate in performance; although a few annoying issues are there. But still, the big deal is that Mac OS X operating systems have crossed boundaries and dominated in markets worldwide, even going head to head with Windows and its reputation.

The reason for the success of Apple Mac OS X is significantly because of Apple’s dedication to constantly impress and satisfy Apple users with constant reliable updates for apps and OS, and the technical support they offer. Most Mac OS X operating system users would agree that there are a few issues in the OS, mainly security issues, which should be fixed. Apple apparently answered the call and has released a security update recently.

Supposedly, this security update is going to make major modifications in the OS by optimizing the security and fixing all the issues at the same time. The security fix updates are not just for the Mac OS X but also for certain other products, and hence the update comes in batches. The Mac OS X10.7 Lion operating system security update is the highlight in Apple’s releases as the OS reportedly has a huge number of users worldwide. So obviously, there will be a proportional number of reports mentioning the issues in the OS X Lion as well.

Apple was quick with their response and made it clear that they have analyzed the problem enough to detect a few bugs which can be exploited by users with malicious intent so as to remotely access the personal data of the OS X Lion users whose computers have been infected. Apple, then stated that the new Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion update will include all the patches necessary to resolve this issue and make your computer secure from unauthorized remote accesses.

Issues in products such as QuickTime will also be fixed if you use the patch. There are vulnerabilities even in a few versions of Apache which haven’t been updated. Hackers can decrypt Secure Sockets Layer encrypted information and access other private data. This has been brought to the public by Kaspersky Labs recently. The security certificates will also be revoked to be trustworthy again by the new Apple update, so that hackers won’t be able to spoof them. 

These are all that has been known about Apple’s security updates. More details will be posted soon. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Mac Store Brings Templates for iBooks - Jumsoft Book Palette

Mac OS X Operating system is undoubtedly the only operating system for a computer which is compatible with a huge array of brilliantly designed applications that are user friendly as well as reliable. Although the Windows Operating system also supports a lot of applications, the Mac operating systems are comparatively higher in ranks, when it comes to applications and their functionalities.

For people who are passionate in writing books and publishing them, Apple’s Mac and iOS operating systems offered great support with the recent launch of an application which allows users to create e-books. The app named iBooks gained instant popularity and a big following among Mac users. The iBooks Author application has a lot of users now and Apple apparently knew the app would be well received. It seems Jumsoft, popular application developers for Mac and iOS also sees an opportunity with the success of iBooks.

The fact that Jumsoft released a set of templates just after two weeks of the launch of iBooks Author application by Apple proves the theory. The app called Book Palette which is now out for sale in Mac app store features 10 perfectly functional templates. The templates are pretty cool and will definitely improve the looks of the e-Books created with the iBooks author app as they offer a number of creative options and useful tools.

General Manager of Jumsoft, Algirdas Unguvaitis said that they were quite excited when they heard the news of the launch of Apple’s iBooks author and by the next day, came up with the idea of Book Palette. Algirdas also commented that Jumsoft expects positive feedbacks from iBooks users, and that they would soon start working on expanding the template range.

iBooks users would be able to use the Book Palette templates to create e-Books ranging from normal cookbooks to big time business publications. In addition to the page layouts, the templates will have page covers as well. There will also be a number of different text styles and other options for making the e-Books more vivid and attractive. Book Palette also offers the users, the option to remove, recolor or move the elements in the app.

The Book Palette also matches the Gallery and other widgets that come with the iBooks application and also allows the users to make necessary modifications in them.

System Requirements for Jumsoft Book Palette

·         iBooks Author application
·         Mac OS X 10.7.2 or higher version
·         22 MB space

The Book Palette will be available in the Graphics and Design category of the Mac App store for a price of $3 US dollars approximately.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

A New PDF Editor for Mac OS X

Don’t just think that it is the accessories which can make Apple Mac systems more awesome than they are. Apple Mac systems’ main feature is actually their OS itself – the Mac OS X. Mac OS X is designed to be compatible with the accessories as well as awesome third party applications. The applications for the Mac OS X operating system from various developers is quite appreciated by Apple users because most of them come in quite handy.

If you have heard of PDFClerk Pro, then you might have heard the name SintraWorks. SintraWorks rose to great popularity with the success of their PDFClerk Pro PDF editor application. There was news that SintraWorks were working on an application for the Mac OS X. SintraWorks unveiled their new PDF Editor designed exclusively for Mac OS X Lion operating system.

Named as the PDF Nomad, it is crafted and designed to be a perfect and reliable PDF editor for the Mac OS X, with some useful features.

SintraWorks PDF Nomad features let the users:

·         Add page labels
·         Resize documents to different page sizes
·         Drag and drop for resize
·         Export jpg, png etc as bitmaps
·         Create spoken audio files from the text in documents
·         Explode documents to single page PDF file
·         Merge pages sideways or on top of each other
·         Split pages in half or tile them
·         Annotate pages with rectangles, arrows, ovals etc
·         Markup text
·         Link index table and cross-document references to their corresponding pages
·         Text search and text extraction
·         Create books and magazines
·         Add finishing/proofing marks

PDF Nomad is very simple to use and is quite user friendly meaning that you don’t need to spend too much time trying to figure out the functionalities and uses of the tools available in the app. You will get used to it faster than you think. It’s designed to work perfectly fine with Mac OS X Lion.

Requirements for PDF Nomad:

·         Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or higher version
·         64 – bit Intel Mac

PDF Nomad v1.0 can now be purchased for a single user license, and is available at an attractive introductory price of just $19.99. You can get it from either Apple Mac Store or from the official website of SintraWorks. You may also download a demo version of PDF Nomad to see its quality for yourself. However, the output pages in the demo version would have a watermark stamped to them.