Showing posts with label Sintra Works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sintra Works. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 January 2012

A New PDF Editor for Mac OS X

Don’t just think that it is the accessories which can make Apple Mac systems more awesome than they are. Apple Mac systems’ main feature is actually their OS itself – the Mac OS X. Mac OS X is designed to be compatible with the accessories as well as awesome third party applications. The applications for the Mac OS X operating system from various developers is quite appreciated by Apple users because most of them come in quite handy.

If you have heard of PDFClerk Pro, then you might have heard the name SintraWorks. SintraWorks rose to great popularity with the success of their PDFClerk Pro PDF editor application. There was news that SintraWorks were working on an application for the Mac OS X. SintraWorks unveiled their new PDF Editor designed exclusively for Mac OS X Lion operating system.

Named as the PDF Nomad, it is crafted and designed to be a perfect and reliable PDF editor for the Mac OS X, with some useful features.

SintraWorks PDF Nomad features let the users:

·         Add page labels
·         Resize documents to different page sizes
·         Drag and drop for resize
·         Export jpg, png etc as bitmaps
·         Create spoken audio files from the text in documents
·         Explode documents to single page PDF file
·         Merge pages sideways or on top of each other
·         Split pages in half or tile them
·         Annotate pages with rectangles, arrows, ovals etc
·         Markup text
·         Link index table and cross-document references to their corresponding pages
·         Text search and text extraction
·         Create books and magazines
·         Add finishing/proofing marks

PDF Nomad is very simple to use and is quite user friendly meaning that you don’t need to spend too much time trying to figure out the functionalities and uses of the tools available in the app. You will get used to it faster than you think. It’s designed to work perfectly fine with Mac OS X Lion.

Requirements for PDF Nomad:

·         Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or higher version
·         64 – bit Intel Mac

PDF Nomad v1.0 can now be purchased for a single user license, and is available at an attractive introductory price of just $19.99. You can get it from either Apple Mac Store or from the official website of SintraWorks. You may also download a demo version of PDF Nomad to see its quality for yourself. However, the output pages in the demo version would have a watermark stamped to them.